School Self Evaluation

What is School Self Evaluation (SSE)?

School self-evaluation is a collaborative, inclusive, and reflective process of internal school review. An evidence-based approach involves gathering information from a range of sources, and then making judgments. All of this with a view to bring about improvements in students' learning


A school’s DEIS action plan is its school improvement plan for the purposes of SSE; no additional or separate plan is necessary. DEIS schools should: continue their DEIS action planning across the key themes of DEIS using the SSE six-step process. Based on the evidence gathered, target their resources, specific interventions, and supports at the students who are most at risk of educational disadvantage. conduct an annual review of their DEIS plan; this is critical in informing how targets and interventions may need to be adjusted. Schools that are at the end of a three-year cycle in DEIS planning can extend their plan for one more year but should continue to plan across all themes of DEIS. DEIS schools are not required to prepare additional action plans for the three new DEIS themes introduced in 2017: leadership, CPD, and wellbeing. Schools should integrate key actions relating to these themes into their existing DEIS plans.

Below Is Our Self-evaluation Report and Improvement Plan

DEIS Plan (2023-2026)

Feb 17
Midterm Break
Feb 24
Classes resume for all students
Feb 27
1st Year Parent Teacher Meeting* 4.15-6.45pm
Mar 06
3rd Year Options Information Meeting
The Leaving Cert, LCA, and Junior Cycle mock exams are taking place in the school from Tuesday, February 4th.
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